Treme: The End of Shooting Season Three

David Simon, Producer of HBO's TremeOn David Simon’s blog, he reflected on the wrap of shooting for season three of Treme with a tally sheet. Here are a few of the highlights:

Number of episodes filmed:  10

Number of shooting days:  113 for first unit, plus 10 days of second unit or splinter unit shooting.

Number of New Orleans restaurants featured:  27

Number of New Orleans bars featured: 40

Number of New Orleans musicians filmed:  371

Number of songs performed live:  106


There are more, including the number of No Parking signs posted (the one negative by-product for those of us who work on Frenchmen Street on shooting days, with parking already pinched by the condo-izing of the building that once housed The Iron Rail) and his last thoughts on shooting.

—Alex Rawls