Party Like You’re Local—
With Somewhat of a Brain
Coming to your Mardi Gras soon: Biodegradable beads in; plastic beads out. No more clogged city drains, no more seemingly immortal beads on oak trees throughout the year. Ditto offensive throws. […]
Curmudgeonly Thoughts on Krewe Gras
Mardi Gras is over, thank goodness. Here are a few curmudgeonly comments. It’s fun to view the parades, appreciate the beauty of the costumes, laugh at the drunks, catch beads […]
New Orleans, Culture of the Clique
New Orleans, despite its reputation for being open, friendly and welcoming, still what I call a “culture of clique.” I also call it the “I’m behind the police barricade and […]
You Know Mardi Gras Is Over When…
… your dog finishes off a galette from the Boulangerie and you’re not that mad at the dog or sorry to see it go. That happened last night. A few […]