The Gravy: OffBeat’s Elsa Hahne Nominated for First Annual New Orleans Library Society Award

The New Orleans Public Library Foundation‘s philanthropy arm, the Library Society, has created a new program to honor and encourage great contributions to literature about New Orleans. The winner of the first annual Library Society Awards will be announced at a private event at the Juneau Penthouse Suite at the Ritz-Carlton this Thursday evening, December 12. The Library Society and the new Awards aim to highlight the quality and variety of the collections at the New Orleans Public Library, and also to support local literature and literacy efforts, as well as to bring attention to local authors, artists and their work in order to enrich the understanding of New Orleans arts and culture.

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1st Annual Library Society Awards are Thursday, December 12.

With a fiction and nonfiction category, the focus for the Awards this year is on books. In the future, the Library Society hopes to highlight and promote more offerings available at the New Orleans Public Library, including music, film and special book categories, such as children’s books and cookbooks. The judges this year were pooled from local authors, library administration and local book store owners. One of the nominees in the non-fiction category is OffBeat Art Director and Food Editor Elsa Hahne’s book The Gravy: In the Kitchen with New Orleans Musicians, based on her monthly cooking column in OffBeat magazine, September 2008-2013.


2013 Nominees in Non-Fiction:

The Gravy: In the Kitchen with New Orleans Musicians by Elsa Hahne

Spectacular Wickedness: Sex, Race, and Memory in Storyville, New Orleans
by Emily Epstein Landau

A Company Man: The Remarkable French-Atlantic Voyage of a Clerk for the Company of the Indies by Marc-Antoine Caillot

Picturing Black New Orleans: A Creole Photographer’s View of the Early Twentieth Century
by Arthe A. Anthony

We Shall Not Be Moved: Rebuilding Home in the Wake of Katrina by Tom Wooten


2013 Nominees in Fiction:

Odds Against Tomorrow by Nathaniel Rich

The Devil in Her Way by Bill Loehfelm

Hold It ‘Til It Hurts by T. Geronimo Johnson

Shoot The Money by Chris Wiltz

The Silence of Bonaventure Arrow: A Novel by Rita Leganski


More Info:


gravy.cover.400px Purchase The Gravy from the web store here.
It makes for a fantastic, thoughtful gift!