Remembering Motorway’s Colin Brown

On Friday, guitarist and vocalist Colin Brown—best known for his time in the local rock band Motorway—passed away from an illness that seems to have baffled doctors. According to the Care for Colin website:

Recently Colin was not feeling well and went to the hospital with what seemed like flu-like symptoms. As we started this blog, Colin was in the ICU with what the doctors are calling a “mysterious” progressive lung infection. We now mourn the loss of a great soul.

There will be a memorial for Brown Sunday at the Contemporary Arts Center from 5 to 8 p.m. Fellow Motorway member Pete Winkler has started a Facebook page to organize a “Book in Memory of Colin Brown”:

We are preparing a book to capture all stories and pictures to document what a wonderful person Colin Brown was.

Please take a moment and write down a story you remember. You can add a picture if you have one—if you don’t that’s OK.

The story should be 8½ x 11 letter size in WORD or handwritten and scanned in jpg or pdf or you can e-mail your story and the picture—whatever works for you.

The important thing is you send it to us, so we can combine it into a book for Kelly, Lucy and Elliot.

Please participate and if you have more stories please don’t hesitate to write as much as you want.

You can e-mail your contribution to the book to either Peter Winkler or Nina Reins

Brown is survived by his wife Kelly and his two children, Lucy and Elliot.