Recording Academy announces online entry process for 65th Grammy Awards

The Recording Academy will open the online entry process for the 65th-annual Grammy Awards at 11 a.m. Central on July 18 and close on August 31. There will be only one entry period for 2022.

Eligible recordings must have been commercially released in the United States on one of the approved streaming platforms or via a national third-party retailer (for Craft entries) and be originally released within the eligibility period of October 1, 2021, through September 30, 2022.

All professional and voting members of the Recording Academy will receive five courtesy entries every year as a benefit of membership. Beyond that, the Academy has enacted a per-entry fee structure this year to encourage entrants to consider the value of each entry and make mindful decisions to put forward work that they truly believe is Grammy-worthy. In order that the entry fees not be a barrier to entry in the process, our members can request additional courtesy entries by reaching out to the Awards Department at [email protected]. The payment system is built into the online entry website and allows for secure payment by credit card.

Per Entry Fee Schedule

• Early Bird Pricing (July 18 – July 31) $40 (after five courtesy entries)
• Standard Pricing (August 1 – August 21) $75 (after five courtesy entries)
• Final Deadline Pricing (August 22 – August 31) $125 (after five courtesy entries)

In order to improve the voting experience, after the Grammy screening committees have met, the Recording Academy will emailing entrants with the final placement of entries. Academy members will receive this information prior to the first-round ballot, so that entrants will know the final category placement before voting begins.

Additional key dates for the 65th Grammy Awards will be announced in the coming weeks.