New Orleans, Louisiana - June 20, 2014: Jazz band playing at the Spotted Cat Music Club in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

New Orleans Opens Applications for 2025 Cultural Economy Grants

The New Orleans Mayor’s Office of Cultural Economy has announced that applications for the 2025 Cultural Economy Grant Funding Program will open on Thursday, May 1, 2025. The program will award 25 grants of $2,000 each to individuals and organizations that support the city’s cultural economy through education, training, networking, and events.

Eligible applicants include nonprofits, licensed for-profit businesses and individual artists with a fiscal agent. Proposed programs must take place in 2025, and applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the final deadline on Sunday, June 1, 2025.

Funding is available for workshops, training programs, and cultural events within sectors such as entertainment, design, preservation, culinary arts, literary arts, and visual arts. Recipients must be registered in BRASS, the City’s Procurement and Finance System, to receive funds, with disbursement expected within 30-60 days. Note: All funded programs, events, and activities mustacknowledge support from the Office of Cultural Economy through use of its logo or written/verbal acknowledgment. Eligible applications include:

  • Workshops, training, and conferences that build cultural economy capacity in cultural non-profits, neighborhood organizations, and cultural businesses.  Capacity Building includes networking, teaching skills such as fundraising/grant writing, working with partners to improve programming, leveraging, education about sustainability, learning of new concepts such as place-based planning, etc.
  • Workshops, training, and conferences in any of the Cultural Economy segments as defined by the Office of Cultural Economy: Entertainment (dance, theater, music, film, sound recording), Design (fashion, interactive media, communications), Preservation (architecture, construction, landscape architecture, and interior design related to preserving historic buildings and assets), Culinary Arts, Literary Arts and Humanities, and Visual Arts and Crafts.
  • Events with art and cultural components.  Funds can be used for paying musicians or other performers, attracting tourists, or other activities that will directly impact either cultural workers or attract sales for art and cultural vendors.

For full details and to apply for the Cultural Economy Grant, visit Questions can be directed to the Grants Team at