New Orleans Launches Frenchmen Rideshare Program

The Mayor’s Office of Nighttime Economy today announces the launch of a new rideshare pilot program for Frenchmen Street. The program is aimed at reducing vehicular traffic and improving safety. As one of the major strips in New Orleans for live music and entertainment, Frenchmen Street is often clogged with bumper-to-bumper traffic on this short two-block strip. For this pilot program, the Office of Nighttime Economy has partnered with Uber and Lyft to create rideshare drop-off and pick-up zones around the area to alleviate traffic. Uber and Lyft alone, account for roughly 80 percent of peak weekend traffic, according to their data.

Like other cities, New Orleans is moving toward implementing permanent designated rideshare zones in the future for a safer and more efficient solution to this ongoing problem, so that residents and visitors can enjoy the Frenchmen Street attractions without the hassle. The rideshare pilot program will run from Sept. 26 through Nov. 24 on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. During that time, only rideshare pick-up and drop-off traffic will be prohibited from entering Frenchmen Street. All other vehicles will maintain access to the street.

“We’re excited to roll out the Frenchmen Rides initiative for improved safety for both patrons and nightlife workers on Frenchmen Street,” said Michael Ince, Interim Director, Mayor’s Office of Nighttime Economy.

“We look forward to continued collaboration with businesses and other stakeholders as we work to improve the overall experience of Frenchmen Street. I commend Rob Henig Bell, Community Projects Manager, Mayor’s Office of Nighttime Economy for spearheading this initiative.”

The pick-up and drop-off zones are located one block away from attractions, on the river-bound side of Elysian Fields Avenue. Non-rideshare vehicular traffic and pedestrian activity will retain access to the street, allowing for safer, less congested movement along the Frenchmen Street strip.

Designated pick-up and drop-off locations are common internationally and across the country. New Orleans residents are likely to have encountered them at the airport, attending Saints games or during the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival. Many cities across the country have employed geofencing solutions for busy nightlife strips, similar to Frenchmen Street.

“By putting safety at the forefront, Uber and the City of New Orleans are working together to provide dedicated space for Uber users near one of the city’s busiest nightlife streets, while encouraging more shared mobility,” said Javier Correoso, Uber Director of Public Affairs.

“Through the Mayor’s Office of Nighttime Economy and in deploying tactics from Uber’s Nightlife Operating Manual, New Orleans is at the forefront of reimagining what the future of curbside access looks like to best suit the needs of consumers.”

The two designated rideshare zones are located on Elysian Fields Avenue, one block off of the Frenchmen strip.

All rides created in the Uber and Lyft app to or from Frenchmen Street, between Esplanade Avenue and Royal Street, will be directed to one of the two rideshare zones.

Signage in these zones will remain ‘as is’ for daytime hours. For designated nighttime hours, signage will be changed to ‘Passenger Zone: No Parking’ with enforcement and penalties levied for violators in accordance with standard violations, which includes ticketing and towing.

For more information and updates, visit: Nighttime Economy – Programs – Frenchmen Rides – City of New Orleans (

Frenchmen Rideshare Program