Kate Fagan, photo courtesy of the artist.

Kate Fagan presents Ho Ho Ho Holiday Party album release at Allways Lounge

Celebrate the release of the Ho Ho Ho Holiday Party album with New Orleans-based vocalist Kate Fagan and her all-star band at the Allways Lounge and Cabaret on Thursday, December 23. Seasonal beverages, champagne, dancing and gifts from Santa will be part of the revue, along with a salute to Festivus.

“I obsessively collected innuendo blues and offbeat holiday records for years and, in a flash of inspiration, suddenly they morphed into a single idea—s sassy Christmas cabaret, which I have brought to life at The AllWays Lounge and Cabaret for several years,” said Fagan. “But the pandemic shuttered the live scene, so I said, ‘COVID be damned, the show must go on.’ I was determined to make the Ho Ho Ho Holiday Party record.”

Fagan is also lead vocalist for Chicago ska legends Heavy Manners. The holiday album was recorded at NOLA Recording Studio and includes tracks with Wendell Brunious, Tom Hook, Susanne Ortner, Tom Paxton and other New Orleans-based musicians. “All said yes to the project then showed up with their artistry, ideas, and chops—and with their masks on,” said Fagan. Songs include “Hey Santa, What’s In Your Bag?,” “Santa, What Do Bad Girls Get?” and “Everyday Will Be Like A Holiday.” A Spotify playlist can be found here.

Fagan’s tribute to Festivus is drawn from the television sitcom Seinfeld. In an episode that aired December 18, 1997, called “The Strike,” character Frank Costanza shares the tradition of Festivus, an alternative to the pressures and commercialism of the Christmas season celebrated on December 23 with such practices such as the Airing of Grievances and the labeling of easily explainable events as Festivus miracles.<

“The Ho Ho Ho Show is a flat-out let-yourself-go night out with the kind of boisterous frolicking and warm party that people crave right now—at least I do,”said Fagan. “The AllWays Lounge and Cabaret is the city’s perfect funky show lounge with the vibe of a vintage burlesque speakeasy—think velvet-draped stage, leather bar, cozy tables and a sexy glow of candles. The second I walked in, I needed to produce a show there. I actually shouted, ‘I want to buy this place.’ It’s a dream club for an adult holiday party. I’m so freakin’ excited to play there with an amazing band. It’s been a long year, it’s time to pop a cork and celebrate!”

The record release celebration will start at 7 p.m. followed by the show at 8 p.m. Allways Lounge and Cabaret is located at 2240 St. Claude Avenue. For more information about the show, visit here.