Beautiful Communities: Our Visions for Creative Placemaking

The National Endowment for the Arts Our Town Creative Placemaking Technical Assistance Program invites you to join a special event, “Beautiful Communities: Our Visions for Creative Placemaking,” scheduled for June 18, 2024, at 2 p.m. Eastern Time (US and Canada). This event celebrates the transformative power of arts and culture in communities and explores future possibilities for creative placemaking.

The event will feature prominent national leaders in creative placemaking, including Marty Pottenger, Mark Valdez, and Scott Oshima. These experts, alongside members of the Resource Team from across the country, will share their extensive experience and offer valuable insights on leveraging arts, culture and creativity to drive community change efforts.

In addition to these distinguished speakers, Ben Stone, NEA Director of Design and Creative Placemaking, will provide exciting updates on the Our Town program, showcasing new initiatives and successes. Participants will also engage in a collective activity to envision and co-create the future of their communities, fostering a shared vision of beautiful possibilities.

This session is open to all individuals interested in the intersection of arts, culture and community development, regardless of their background or experience.

For more information and to register for the event, go here.