Video still from "Stop the Water" by 79rs Gang.

79rs Gang release “Stop the Water” as Katrina anniversary approaches

The new music video for “Stop The Water” by 79rs Gang was released today. 79rs Gang was created by Mardi Gras Indian Big Chief Romeo Bougere of the 9th Ward Hunters and Big Chief Jermaine Bossier of the 7th Creole Hunters, who put their differences aside and came together in solidarity through this musical collaboration. “Stop The Water” is part of their 2020 full length album Expect The Unexpected, released by Sinking City Records and created with writer/producer Eric Heigle.

Bougere says of the song, “To me it hits me like its the new negro spiritual anthem. It basically explains everything we’ve endured during the tragic times. It helps the people understand my pain and frustration through my music.”

The video juxtaposes graphic scenes from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the flooding that inundated New Orleans after the failure of federal levees with contemporary footage of Bougere and Bossier singing along the banks of the Mississippi River at Algiers Point.

“Rising sea levels and flooding remains an imminent threat to the people of Louisiana,” says Heigle. “With a storm in the Gulf, this song offers a message of prayer and hope for the future, while recalling tragedies from the past.”

Bossier adds, “To me it’s a song about Katrina, but it’s a song that so many other people can feel because it’s happening right now.”