Keys to the Crescent City is an all-star piano revue that also serves as a Rounder sampler, with Charles Brown, Eddie Bo, Willie Tee and Art Neville. All have been closely linked to the New Orleans piano style, though Brown is the sole non-New Orleanian in the bunch. Actually, Brown’s material was not recorded for the album, but originates from his splendid All My Life release of last year. The shamefully underrated Bo acquits himself handsomely with “Hard Times,” “Honey I Miss You” and “I’m Through Dealing.” Similarly, Tee digs into his considerable song bag and laces his set with hints of modernism. But Neville proves to be the least traditional, at least from the standpoint of piano style.
While the others are heard singing and playing acoustic pianos, Neville attempts what must be considered a one-man Neville Brothers set, with electric keyboards in tow. Keys to the Crescent City should pull the curious into Rounder’s New Orleans catalog. Besides Brown’s All My Life (really a New Orleans-related album), Bo has Check Mr. Popeye and Tee is heard on his brother Earl Turbinton’s Brothers For Life. Perhaps time and sales will see Bo, Tee and Neville with something more on Rounder than a quarter of a sampler.