Five songs may be all we need to fall in love with the Vettes. Like the Ramones and the Donnas before them, the Vettes are a family of rockers, the only difference being that they are actually brothers and sisters. T.V. is a seventeen-and-a-half minute EP of sweet new wave punk, and after it’s over you want to hear it all over again.
It starts off with the tough bass line of “Give ’em What They Want,” where they thumb their noses at a pop culture that seems to embrace celebrity meltdowns. However, they do it in a way that is neither clichéd nor holier-than-thou. They continue through songs about love and heartbreak; sometimes poignant, sometimes angry. Though it’s nothing we haven’t heard before, their energy translates through the stereo Chad Vette’s keys pierce through the punk rock foundation while Rachel Vette’s vocals channel the most powerful parts of Debbie Harry and Gwen Stefani.
It’s over just as soon as it started, but T.V. is a good introduction to what this family has to offer, and 17 minutes might be the right time to enjoy this animated punk before it sounds repetitive. In a post CD-backlash move, they are also offering a 100 percent customer satisfaction money back guarantee on the disc. A pointless offer, since it’s hard to be displeased with something this short and sweet.