You don’t have to have lived in Canada to get Sloan, but it seems to help. They’re unassuming pop classicists with a sly sense of humor—witness the album title, a self-mocking comment on the 30-song, almost 80-minute long single disc. They also have a subtle experimental side that here manifests itself in the formal concept—embracing songs by everybody in the band instead of winnowing the song list to a saner length. Songs segue comfortably from one to another, and fully developed songs sit next to minute-long fragments—all holding their own. “Fading into Obscurity” sounds like a Who song-suite condensed into a four minute tune, and its gift is that it doesn’t show any hint of strain. The album’s conceptual intelligence is icing on the cake, though. First and foremost, Never Hear the End of It is a fun, often rocking collection of really good pop songs with more than a hint of understatement.