In the late ’70s LeRoux recorded the tune that was locally voted “Song of the Century.” The one whose catchy melody sashay-ed down “Alllll, the way . . . from Bourbon Street to Esplanade.” The song, of course, was “New Orleans Ladies” and even now, more than 20 years later, it has been a tough act for them to follow. On this CD, LeRoux’s final offering of the century that was theirs, we get flashes of the old greatness but two competing styles are at work here and it sounds like two different groups. There are the rockin’, funky, “Hey Pocky Way,” Meters-style jumpers dominated by David Peters’ overpowering drums and Randy Knaps’ raw vocals, and sandwiched in between them are the more mellow, keyboard-dominated slow ballads along the lines of “Ladies.” On these, Knaps shows that he can croon with the best of them. Both styles are good but, personally, I prefer the ballads. Jim Odom on guitar and Nelson Blanchard on keyboards are especially outstanding. The best song on the CD, “I’ll Be Over You,” is the last track. This ballad is an outstanding example of the group’s forte, but the rollicking title track comes in a very close second. LeRoux is a Louisiana institution and it’s great that they’re still around after all these years, although only bassist/producer Leon Medica has been with them continuously since the beginning.