Just for the Ladies is a pleasant, unassuming surprise, an album of contemporary urban R&B from Lafayette way that exists to fill dance floors. The lyrics do little more than incite the dancers to move, but Lil’ Fallay is a genial, likeable host, and because there are no pretenses to higher art, his single-mindedness is entertaining. For the most part, this is an album for stepping, with grooves that cater to that dance. “Dream Lover” is a convincing slow jam, but the high lights are the title track and the “Zydefunk Slide,” during which he encourages the dancers to “get their sexy on.” Because the song is more interested in being funky than zydeco, it works, with Lil’ Fallay shouting out the moves throughout.
Perhaps because the album is so driven by its purpose, Just for the Ladies doesn’t wear out. Instead, Lil’ Fallay often acts as an MC, hype man or toaster, doing his part to lively up the party while the groove plays on. Since he and the grooves work, the album is a winner.