Kid Eggplant & the Stuffed Melatauns: War…We Love It! (Independent)

This may be the most oddly eclectic album I’ve reviewed in all my years with this magazine. And that’s sayin’ something. Bassist and bandleader Robert Snow has played with a host of different artists—including greats like Little Freddie King, Johnny Adams and Ernie K-Doe—and his band project, Kid Eggplant & the Stuffed Melatauns, now on their third CD, is an outlet for anything he happens to come up with.

The cover and title set you up for a gonzoid bit of political commentary—which is what you get on the opening title track, a mashup of newsreel soundbites, metal riffage and chanting of the title. But that leads into “Blue Lights and Sirens,” a mandolin-driven acoustic number about seeing police trucks and ambulances in your neighborhood. The antiwar theme continues on “Ground Zero Time” which sounds like a modern rework of Tom Lehrer’s classic “Who’s Next.” But from there it can’t get much different than “Beans Beans Beans,” an Indian-styled chant about—you guessed it—beans.

The more straightforward tracks are some of the best ones, though those are all over the map too. “Girl (Something Missing)” is a classic-styled New Orleans R&B ballad; the sort of thing K-Doe might have done. “At the Cross” is traditionally-styled gospel. “Rose Colored Glasses” is a nice bit of garagey alt-rock, on the Fleshtones/Young Fresh Fellows side of things. And “More Than Yesterday” is a completely non-ironic, jangly pop song with layered harmonies and a sweet acoustic solo from Brian Stoltz (probably the best-known of this album’s many guests).

This is a far easier album to enjoy than it is to figure out. And don’t bother googling the band name for info: I did that and had no luck, though I did get some great recipes.

Kid Eggplant & the Stuffed Melatauns