Free Form Funky Freeqs, Urban Mythology, Vol. One (Thirsty Ear)


How much do you love Vernon Reid? Your appreciation for Urban Mythology, Vol. One depends on the answer being “a lot.” He’s joined in this power trio by Jamaaladeen Tacuma and G. Calvin Weston, the rhythm section for James “Blood” Ulmer’s Black Rock. Ulmer’s recent forays into the blues might give you reason to think that the jazz/funk/rock of Black Rock came from Tacuma and Weston, but if it did, they can’t get Reid to give up the spotlight for long enough to let their freak shine. Whatever the case, this is more of Reid’s dizzying, post-Hendrix guitar pyrotechnics and there’s no denying he’s good at it, nor can you deny the solid support Tacuma and Weston give him. But you have to love a lot of little tiny notes to love it.