OffBeat Magazine’s Best Louisiana Music Photography Contest
This weekend (December 12-15), PhotoNOLA, the New Orleans Photo Alliance’s annual photography festival, puts exceptional imagery on display in galleries and museums citywide. To honor all of the hard-working, music photographers in Louisiana (and beyond) who share OffBeat’s love for music and contribute their amazing art to our magazine each month, we decided that we wanted to hold a photo contest of our own: Best Louisiana Music Photography 2013.
Recently, we asked all of our regular and irregular photographers to submit their best work from the past year. The response was incredible, and even more so was the task of paring down the final selections. Below, we present to you 16 photographs that bode well for the future of Louisiana music photography. Now, it’s up to you to vote for the best!
How do you vote? Just “like” your favorite image (or all of them!) by clicking on the button beneath each. The five images with the most “likes” at the noon on Monday, December 16, 2013 will be published in OffBeat’s January 2014 issue as part of our annual “best of the year” in local music and culture coverage.
Remember, you’re not voting for the musician(s) in each image. You’re voting for the photograph. Don’t be shy. Tell us which photographs you like and why you like them in the comments section, too. And don’t forget… spread the word!