More on OffBeat’s March Cover
In regards to OffBeat’s much-blogged and –talked about March cover: We admit that we showed a terrible lack of judgment and insensitivity towards our readers who may have taken offense […]
Where Are The Memorials?
I wonder why there’s such an overall lack of appreciation for musical legends in New Orleans, which is the most musical city on earth. There’s such a deep love for […]
Keeping New Orleans New Orleans
I grew up in New Orleans and in its environs, and have lived everywhere from Uptown, the Irish Channel, Downtown, Broadmoor and Central City, in addition to some of our […]
The more things change…
“Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose”…If you’re from New Orleans, you probably know what this means: “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” Over the […]
When Will Music Be “All Dat?”
I’m hoping that the post-Superbowl glow that everyone in the city has doesn’t end for a while. In fact, I hope we can think positively about New Orleans for at […]
OK, I’ve been way out of the loop. My computer’s hard drive crashed and burned, along with all my information (back up in the “cloud”, but buying another computer and […]
Dis Is the Day
OK, so the big game day is here. The Saints either pull it off–or they don’t. For the sake of the city’s morale and because home games bring a lot […]
Please, No More Lip Service
The Mayoral Candidates’ Forum on Music was interesting, but not controversial enough (you know I like to stir things up). Surprisingly, not one of the candidates objected to putting music […]
Tremé and Davis
Cute but Crazy Davis Rogan called me today to correct me on implying on my last blog that he wasn’t involved in the upcoming HOB Tremé series. He is involved, […]
Damn, That Light’s in My Eyes!
Got to work this morning and there was a film crew out, apparently shooting a scene for HBO’s series Tremé in, of all places, Mona’s Restaurant. My office overlooks the […]