TOP 50
Thanks for the great year-end albums list, but not including Anders Osborne’s Coming Down in the Top 50 seems a serious oversight. I would also try to sneak Renard Poche’s self-released album in there. Overall, I agree that this was a great year for music and a testament to the vibrancy of the local scene. Keep up the great work!
—Doug Von Dollen, Pleasant Hill, CA
Anders Osborne’s Coming Down was release in August 2007 and was included in our Top 50 Louisiana CDs of 2007. Renard Poche’s 4U/4Me 2008 release was never widely distributed but is available as a CDR at the Louisiana Music Factory.—Ed.
My collection of OffBeat CDs spans 1996-2006. I am missing 2007 and 2008. I find these samplers great as I always discover at least one artist whom I have missed and am either unfamiliar with, and who I finish up purchasing one or more of their CDs. The CDs act as a little window into the broad spectrum of your local music and local talent.
—Trevor Dodd, Norwood, Australia
After a lengthy delay both the 2007 and 2008 CDs have been manufactured and are currently being mailed to our subscribers. We apologize for the delay.—Ed.
A friend and I recently promoted a Jon Cleary concert in our city. It was a great success, not only financially, but also in spreading New Orleans musical culture. Jon appeared solo with a grand piano and gave us an entertaining and educational journey through New Orleans piano history as well as presenting many of my favorite Jon Cleary tunes. The feedback from our musical community has been fantastic.
I was quite intrigued by Jon’s rendition of a James Booker tune, and the following day I received my OffBeat in the mail with the article on James Booker. The “Buying Booker” section was a fantastic help and I’m now eagerly awaiting a package form the Louisiana Music Factory. I also ordered some of “The Top Twenty” that I didn’t already have in my collection.
—Mark Tinson, Adamstown Heights, Australia
Jan Ramsey’s column in the December issue was spot on! I grew up in New Orleans and consider myself blessed to still live in my hometown area, while working for major record companies based in New York City and Los Angeles.
I’m a fourth generation of the city and consider New Orleans my heritage, my love, my city! Yes, the city has its problems but what city or town doesn’t? People should look at New Orleans as a one-of-a-kind treasure that is not only charming but magical.
—Kim Stephens, Bush, LA
I appreciate the shout out, but I’m a Touro Hospital Baby! Grew up on Valmont Street around the corner from Domilise’s. Went to Lusher, McMain, and Franklin. My folks are from Chicago, so I sort of felt like an immigrant growing up, but my birth certificate says 70115 (if birth certificates have zip codes).
You make a good point about the value of newcomers—we see their contributions every day at Sweet Home New Orleans—but please print this to rescue my street cred, which is precarious enough now that I use a fancy Internet phone and carry a briefcase.
—Jordan Hirsch, Executive Director, Sweet Home New Orleans, New Orleans, LA
I wanted to thank you for the Best of the Beat nominations for me and John Boutte. I’ve worked so hard to re-invent my music and career, and it means a lot that OffBeat noticed. John and I will be out of town playing a show in Canada on the night of the awards show but I so wish we could be there.
F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote that there are no second acts in America; thank you proving there are second acts in New Orleans.
—Paul Sanchez, New Orleans, LA
My view on Amsterdam (being born and raised in Holland; but having lived overseas for 80% of my life now) is that; I find it a shame that the “bong” cafe’s and the red light district come to people’s mind first!
When Amsterdam has so much more to offer and New Orleans with it’s music; great people and beautiful surrounding areas SHOULD not be compared to only those 2 “fashions”. Just like New Orleans is not only the drunks on Bourbon street; or a city full of cemeteries. I think it’s MUCH more than that!
You can never compare New Orleans to any place in the world; it’s truly unique. There is only one place that comes pretty close in my opinion (where I also lived) and that’s Antwerp in Belgium.
You should run for office with your great spirit; devotion; wisdom and love for New Orleans. “Jan- fucking- tastic”
Keep up the good work. You are heard all over the globe.
—Marian Van Doren
Kudos for your rant. It’s high time the politicians, local, state, and federal, applied reasonable solutions to helping the city of my birth, that we both care about and love. Thanks for speaking out!
—Bill Hunt
I also have the solution to solving New Orleans’ economic problems now and forever: let’s make it the Amsterdam of the U.S.
Yeah you rite!
—John Sinclair
Could you please, please, please lay off the politics. I gave you my money, post Katrina, for a lifetime subscription to help keep a music magazine going. Stick to the subject.
—Steve Norton
I am in total agreement with you and applaud you for your comments on gun control, legalization of marijuana and prostitution! I hope that at the least, you will share the gun control portion with our government officials. They need to wake up and address this out of control gun crap. You have summed up my thoughts exactly! Well written!
Best regards from a Florida resident who adores New Orleans.
—Susan Pearl